Monday, July 24, 2006

My Second-favourite Drink

Of course, if one has over-imbibed of the fermented apple, there needs to be an effective antidote.

Into a juicer, throw the following (washed first, and preferably organic).

3 large tomatoes, quartered
3 stalks of celery
5-6ish inches of cucumber
1 garlic clove
and a handful of parsley, if you have it.

I always put the pulp through the juicer a second time and then strain it all into a glass. This will make about half a pint. The pulp usually goes in the compost bin but it could be used in soups, stock or vegetable breads (freeze until needed).

If you can bear to wait, chill the juice while you dismantle and wash the juicer, or just add a couple of ice cubes and stir.

Of course you can vary the recipe. To treat colds and ‘flu add extra garlic and tomato and decrease the cucumber and celery – delicious, and keeps vampires away too.

I don’t like celery much, and cucumber gives me indigestion but in a juice, no problem. Juices are great if you’re slimming too, as they take the edge off your appetite and deliver their goodness direct.


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